UIView Lifecycle

UIView Basics with Examples

Varga Zolt
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readJan 12, 2022


Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

UIView is an object that manages the content for a rectangular area on the screen. Views are the fundamental building blocks of your apps user interface, and the UIView class defines the behaviours that are common to all views. In translation, if we want to create a custom view, we always need to inherit UIView and override some of their methods. It can have other subviews like label…



Varga Zolt
Geek Culture

 Mobile Tech Lead📱 🧑‍💻 Writing about new Technologies. Coding for fun since 2005, for food since 2008 🚀 Site: https://bit.ly/skyspiritlabs